Wednesday, May 28, 2008

A second chance for a change in perception

Before you read any further, please watch this video clip.

What do you think when u watch this clip? 
Would you feel embarrassed for her or would you put yourself in her shoes and try and justify her stupidity by blaming the fact that she was on National TV and was nervous?
I guess both are valid.
Both ways, this poor girl has to try hard to prove her cleverness to the judgmental public.
As human beings, it is in our nature to make quick judgments about things. We walk by a store and almost immediately after a mere glance we know what has potential for us to make a purchase and what does not. Most of the time we make decisions on our judgement. Seldom do we dig deep for the root of things. If we enter a new classroom full of people we are not acquainted with, we use judgment to lead us to people who we want to talk to, or away from people we do not feel like being associated with. People say that attractiveness is skin deep. By attractiveness i refer to any aspect of mankind. I couldn't agree more with that sentence, however, people who try to lie to themselves and say that first impression doesn't count are in denial. When have you ever approached somebody who did not at all give you a good vibe or attracted you in any way and repeated to yourself in your head that if you gave him or her more time, he or she MIGHT have a wonderful personality. Let's face it. First impression plays a big part in determining our social circle and we know it. 
So what has poor Miss Teen South Carolina have to deal with for (at least) the next few years in her life? Before that question was thrown in her face, a pretty face like hers definitely had the potential for a lucrative modelling career. Maybe even acting and if she could carry a tune, singing could also be an option! But no, after she went on that crazy rant, with her out-of-the blue random throwing in of words, would people be willing to take the risk and invest on this girl that everyone has such a bad impression of? This could cause serious impediment to her career. Yet an element of our brain is persistent in keeping the first-impression of her strong. If someone asked you what you thought of her, would you go ' I believe deep down inside her she is really smart, we just haven't seen it yet'? Things like this are left for her friends and parents to say. For people like us, we know this girl cause of her embarrassing clip that has been circulating around.  There is no time for us to try and 'search ' for her cleverness as we have much more important things to do.
People are being dishonest when they say they are not judgmental. To a certain extent we all are. If we don't want to be that way, we can start by giving people who have humiliated us or annoyed us once before another chance, or start talking to that weird guy or girl who makes us uncomfortable by staring at us in the Bus or train. Maybe if we get to know them well enough we would realize they are not so bad afterall!

Just for a good laugh, I found this link:


Unknown said...

I agree that she'll have an extremely hard time overcoming the first impression she's made. Her famously idiotic monologue there will haunt her for quite some time, and though I'm sure she's not actually quite as moronic as that moment makes her seem, she'll have a tough time convincing new people of it.

Nevertheless, she is just a teenager. We all hope that the stupid things we did as adolescents don't come back to haunt us, and so her tender age might be her saving grace. For her sake, I hope the people she meets over the next few years can see it that way too.

aliciapan said...

Hopefully, for her sake. It will be hard for her to convince the general public that she is not stupid tho as people already have that first impression of her stuck in their heads. They already perceive her as being a blonde bimbo. First impressions are hard to change.