Wednesday, May 21, 2008

What we are becoming

As i was walking home after a nice dinner one day, I made my usual stop at the convenient store to stock up on chocolates and snack. Uncontrollably my wandering eyes led me to the magazine corner to check out what was new. Nothing. As i was about to turn to walk away, up on the right corner on the shelf my eyes widened as I caught a glimpse of the word 'COSMETIC' in bold letters. Naturally intrigued by the mere thought of this word, I pulled that particular magazine out. To my horror, I noticed in small letters at the bottom of that bright bold word it read 'Surgery and Beauty - BECAUSE NOBODY'S PERFECT'.
I was stunned. So it wasn't about cosmetics. It was an entire full sixty-page magazine about plastic surgery. For a split second there I thought I was seeing things. I couldn't get myself to open it to check out its ludicrous contents - 'BECAUSE NOBODY'S PERFECT'. Yes, I thought to myself, and i suppose... plastic surgery makes one impeccable? I found it absolutely ridiculous. A little disappointed that that convenient store had actually imported that in to sell. I am not saying plastic surgeons should go to hell, or that we shouldn't support that industry at all. Fact is I believe everyone has the right to do what he or she wants to his or her body if need me. Whatever makes them happy I guess. I am just saying - what has the media done to us? Have we all been sucked into the superficial world? I thought we are all beautiful for who we are? We kind of a slogan is 'BECAUSE NOBODY'S PERFECT'? Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Everybody needs a little bit of imperfection. Its our imperfections that make us who we are. If i was free from flaws and mistakes, I wouldn't be me. Each time you look in the mirror you should be reminding yourself that being yourself is essential in life. And nobody should be allowed to tell you otherwise.
If you happen to see that magazine on the streets, please boycott it. If not for yourself then do it as a favor for me =)


Mark Soo said...

Wow thats a real cool video! Anyway, I agree with your line of thoughts about beauty to a certain extent. Its always our own unique features/behaviour that makes us...US! There is however one thing that we had to bear in mind, some people had certain flaws which can be impediments toward greater confidence or hindering them from attaining their dreams. We might never know how these people feel unless we are in their shoes.

What the media did was simply to work on these weaknesses and there you have it, more revenue for the plastic surgery industry. I feel that the media should change their approach, it will be much better if the target audience were to be people who are disfigured due to accidents or since birth. However, that will mean less revenue, which might never happen.

aliciapan said...

Its fine if one wants to spend money on cutting themselves up to gain greater confidence. NEver said anything was wrong about that. As a girl i definitely understand how important it is to feel confident about your looks. however the media, in my opinion, needs to and should try to work harder to to promote a healthier image to the audience. For example, rather than using a very skinny girl with ridiculously fake boobs and a fake nose, why not somebody who has more of natural curves and a healthier weight? Like Barbie, the newer dolls that they produce now have a way more realistic shape. That would change people (esp young people's) perception of perfection and help them to gain more confidence in themselves.